Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Same Old Brand New

Wow, I'm blogging! hehe.
Pardon me, I'm still getting used to me blogging again after about 2 years haha.
I did mention that I was gna blog about how my life has changed right since then?
Here I goooooooooooo!
scream my lungs out tryna get to youuuuuu!

Okie dokie, what's new?
This may be so last year (literally) but just so you know...
I'm an RP student now! :D
Yes, graduated from ITE Bishan & I got to the polytechnic I wanted to go to hehe.
I love RP bcos it's so active & rich in arts & culture :]
Hence, my choice of school.

I'm in Sonic Arts & I'll be doin' my 2nd Year soon!
Besides that there's IGs! (interest groups)
I remember being spoilt for choice because RP has too many awesome IGs, I swear.
So I tried to narrow down & auditioned for Replug, Jammerz Arena, Modern Dance & Hip Hop.
Some of 'em had more than 1 round of audition.
I got through the auditions for all of 'em but in da end I stuck with Replug & Modern Dance.
One singing IG. One dancing IG.
So Liyana, can't live without either one haha :P

But in the end as lyke what happened in ITE, both clashed so in the end I had to quit Modern Dance halfway & stuck to Replug!
Still, I miss dance so much!
Haven't been dancing for what feels lyke so long already! :(

So...new school, more friends


My very first classmates in RP!
I swear I love 'em mann.
An awesome, fun bunch.
Def miss them a lot.

My current class!
Currently don't have a class photo yet but I hope soon! hehe.
Cos this sem's coming to an end alreadyyy!

Unplugged music redefined.
Aiseh mann hehe :P
Basically we do awesome acoustic music heh.
The people I spent most of my breaks, after school hours with.
and this is where I found the love of my life, my other half...

My close friend turned boyfriend/best friend.
My wish come true.
I swear he's sucha sweetheart.
I feel v blessed to have him in my life and have someone I can call mine :]

Okie, I think I should wrap it up cos it's getting late & I have school tmr!
Shall continue on my next entry bcos I'm still not done.
This is about Change. The next one's gna be about the ones who are still arnd.
I'm sure they know who they are already hehe.
Till then, Goodnight! :D

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